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Your active lifestyle is constantly evolving as the seasons shift & you are introduced to new adventures & sports. It's time your style & clothing evolve with you. Smartwool continually considers your ever-changing lifestyle & utilizes that to influence our new styles for men throughout the year. The same way that you continue to broaden your horizons & seek inspiration in nature, we are committed to exploring new ideas that can keep you inspired & motivated to try new things. Our new arrivals cover the gamut to match you wherever you are in both climate & athletic endurance. When the temperatures are dropping as fall turns into winter & you find yourself in need of warm outerwear, Smartwool's new wool jackets & vests will have you covered. Maybe you find yourself ready to gear up for cold weather sports & could benefit from our newest base layer styles. Or, perhaps you're diving into warm weather with a newfound, active passion like cycling & will need biking socks or shirts & tops to support your rugged activity. Whether you are heading into a new season or outdoor hobby, we respond to your evolving needs by bringing thoughtful, fresh ideas to our designs & materials so our new arrivals will always be worth checking out. As you continue exploring, we will continue introducing new items to make sure you have what you need. Take a look at our men's apparel & accessories for men to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to your athletic style needs.